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Save money with our group tickets

Better together; save money with our Group ticket

Travelling by coach with friends or family?

Buy a group return and get a discount on your travel ticket.


Our group tickets are valid for up to five people:

• Up to 3 adults and 2 children

• Up to 2 adults and 3 children


What’s the saving?

Our group return tickets are £55, valid any time of day, any day of the week.

You can save up to £33.50* depending on your passenger type.


*£33.50 saving is based on a combination of 3 adults and 2 children. Return tickets purchased individually would total £88.50.


Buy your tickets:

• Online

• On the Oxford Tube mobile tickets app

• On board, direct from the driver with cash or contactless (up to £60) - group tickets are £5 more on board.

No booking required.

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